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Brewmaster Spotlight Joshua Munoz

August 12, 2024

Brewmaster Spotlight Joshua Munoz

Name:  Joshua Joel Munoz

Nicknames: Joshy

Hometown: Elizabeth, New Jersey

Where to find you online: Everywhere: @JustJoshuaJoel

When did you start at Digital Brew? May 28th, 2024

What the heck do you do here? 

I’m a Videographer and Editor extraordinaire

What are you listening to lately? 

Mostly sad girl songs. Durham by Ethan Regan has been on repeat as of late.

What is your favorite movie of all time? Why? 

Her by Director Spike Jonze. When I read the synopsis before watching the movie the first time I thought I was gonna watch some D rated comedy only to be hit by one of the most beautiful stories about forgiveness, acceptance, and love.

Favorite thing about working at Digital Brew: 

The people. Like genuinely, they have all been very welcoming and kind. It’s rare to have coworkers you actually like.

Most visited webpage: 

Definitely YouTube

What do you do in your free time: 

Read comics, play video games, travel, occasionally make a YouTube video, mostly just look ridiculously handsome

Favorite podcast: 

The Kinda Funny Podcast

Best thing about living in Orlando:

Uh, rent is cheaper than NYC? I guess almost everyone I love lives here. So that’s pretty neat.

Favorite quote? 

William McKinley: While on his deathbed, his wife started crying. “I want to go, too! I want to go, too!” and with his last measure of strength, McKinley turned to her and said: “We are all going.”

Idk, just helps keep things in perspective for me.

To meet the rest of our Brewmasters, check us out here!