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Brewmaster Spotlight: Kathleen Uridel
January 5, 2022

Name: Kathleen Uridel
Hometown: Leesburg, FL
Where to find you online: Instagram: @kathleenu
When did you start at Digital Brew?
December 2021
What the heck do you do here?
I’m the new Project Manager! I’ll be helping to make sure projects run smoothly so we can keep creating awesome videos.
What are you listening to lately?
I have a habit of just playing my “Liked Songs” list on Spotify endlessly or shuffling Phoebe Bridgers and calling it a day.
What is your favorite movie of all time? Why?
Jurassic Park! It’s a classic and still holds up every time I watch it. Spielberg made me fall in love with movies and it’s very nostalgic for me. It came out the year I was born and I was obsessed with it growing up. My mom told me I watched it so much I wore out multiple different vhs copies of it.
Favorite thing about working at Digital Brew:
The people! Everyone has been so welcoming and I already feel at home here. I come from a freelance production background, so I’m really happy to be putting roots down and growing with a team of amazing people!
Most visited webpage:
Google – because I have to look everything up.
What do you do in your free time:
I love going to the movies and watching tv shows! I live in coffee shops and will seek them out everywhere I go. I enjoy trying my hand at different hobbies, my newest venture will be pottery! I love finding new places to eat, walking around local markets, and going to different pop-ups around Orlando. I also love to travel when I can!
Favorite podcast:
I really want to have a cool answer for this, however, my favorite podcast is called Chatty Broads and it’s these two women who do hilarious Bachelor episode recaps… It feels like I’m just hanging out with my two best friends when I listen to it and I love that.
Best thing about living in Orlando:
The people and feeling of community throughout the city! I also like having spaces throughout my area of Orlando that feel like home to me such as my favorite coffee shop or restaurants where I can walk in and always run into someone I know.
Favorite quote?
“What is grief, if not love persevering?”
To meet the rest of our Brewmasters, check us out here!