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Brewmaster Spotlight: Nathan Nazario
September 23, 2020

Name: Nathan Nazario
Nicknames: Nate
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
Where to find you online: LinkedIn
When did you start at Digital Brew?
August, 2020
What the heck do you do here?
My job is to be a matchmaker! As the Business Development Manager, I connect companies looking for engaging business videos with our award-winning storytelling team of marketers and artists who create amazing content that sparks action.
What are you listening to lately?
The wise words of my lovely wife, of course. Also, I’m enjoying the audiobook version of Never Split The Difference by former hostage negotiator Chris Voss. By the way, these two things are completely unrelated… in case anyone was wondering.
What is your favorite movie of all time? Why?
That’s a really tough one, as I love so many for very different reasons. I will say that the film that made me fall in love with movies goes back to 1977 when I watched the original Star Wars (Ep.4) for the first time — in complete awe — at a crowded Manhattan theater. It was magical, and was the inciting incident for the amazing career run I’ve had in the film and television industry.
Favorite thing about working at Digital Brew:
Besides the free coffee, I’d have to say that it’s the inspiring family atmosphere of passionate, hard working, mind blowingly talented teammates who are also unbelievably chill.
Most visited webpage:
Variety.com. The kid stays in the picture.
What do you do in your free time?
Spend as much quality time with my family as I can. Life’s too short not to.
Favorite podcast:
Google’s Morning News starts my day off with a mix of current events, politics, finance, human interest, entertainment and sports from a variety of podcasts. Love it.
Best thing about living in Orlando:
Access to the great outdoors, fishing and family fun. Oh, and AC everywhere.
Favorite quote?
I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.
— Martin Luther King, Jr.
To meet the rest of our Brewmasters, check us out here!