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5 Steps to Create an Effective Video Marketing Strategy

August 13, 2015

5 Steps to Create an Effective Video Marketing Strategy
A lot of other businesses are not implementing a video marketing strategy, especially small businesses. As Rob Ciampa says, the making of your videos often overshadows the marketing of the videos. Is this you too? Don’t worry. Digital Brew is not only here to take care of the making of your videos, but also equip you with the information you need to know to successfully market those videos. By creating a video or a series of videos, you have an objective in mind, yes? There is a purpose for that video. Start by outlining your video marketing strategy’s mission statement by identifying what type of content your videos will be (educational, entertaining, practical, animated, etc.) and for whom they will be speaking to.

First Step: Mission Statement

Fill in the blanks: _________ (your company name) seeks to create _________  (type of content) videos targeting _________ (demographic) so that they _________ (action you’d like them to take). Example: Digital Brew seeks to create conceptual videos targeting business owners in hopes that they will contact us for our video production services. Once you have this mission statement down, it’s a matter of reverse engineering your video marketing strategy. You know what you’re trying to do, now ask yourself what steps do you need to take in order to get there. The great news is you’re already on your way. Let’s pause here to elaborate on what I mean by types of videos. A strong video marketing strategy will have several different types of videos operating within it. For example, if you’re goal is to create educational videos on your product, say it’s a software product, maybe you’ll incorporate an animated explainer video, a product demo video, and a live webinar. Your mission statement is the bigger picture of what you are trying to do. From there, brainstorm any and all opportunities to achieve that. The more opportunities the better.

Second Step: Messaging & Tone

Here is where understanding your target audience is crucial. What messages do they hear on a daily basis? What do they need? What message is going to get your audience to respond to that need? The tone is how you will say that message. Is it funny? Authoritative? Sad? Don’t hesitate to reach out and ask your current client base some of these questions. If you do not have an established clientele yet, there’s no better time for A/B Testing!

Third Step: Identify Where the Video Will Live

Think back to the type of videos you’ve decided to create. Whether a live action video, product demos or an animated explainer video, each has optimal landing pages and areas to live. Animated explainers and live action videos are better suited for landing pages. Personally, I prefer to see live action on social media rather than animation, but that’s just me. You need to do some research and test out your audience to find out what they want to see from you. Product demo videos are ideal for support pages and internal sales processes. If you have a soft lead, send them the demo video as opposed to spending money and time on a sales person to walk them through your product! Bonus Tip: When deciding where these videos will live, be sure you have an analytics measure in place so you can understand how your videos are performing and make improvements if needed.

Fourth Step: Call the Professionals

Woohoo! Your initial planning and strategy can be handed over to the pros. Other than approvals, there’s not much for you to do here. Sit back, relax, and watch your videos come to life.

Fifth Step: Go Live, Baby!

Once you’ve received your kickass marketing videos, make sure everything is in place for launch. Some things to check are:
  • Analytics: Do you have a way of measuring your videos success? What key numbers are you trying to hit?
  • Social media & blog content: In addition to the videos, be sure you have content ready to support the videos and direct traffic back to them. Another strategy would be to reach out to influential bloggers and publishers to see if they would link to your site and/or videos.
  • Schedule: As with any content, make sure you’re publishing consistently. Have a schedule and stick to it!
Creating a video marketing strategy does not need to be an intimidating feat. Take your time in research and understanding what you’re trying to do, what your audience needs, and form a plan to deliver that need. It’s really that simple! When you approach step four and are ready to call the professionals to create your videos, give us a shout! Our goal is to help your business become more successful. Of course, if you have any questions along the way, we’re here to help. Reach out to us on Twitter @DigitalBrew_co or shoot us an email at