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SRT Files: What They Are and How to Use Them

June 15, 2021

SRT Files: What They Are and How to Use Them

92% of mobile users view videos with the sound off. Think about that. That’s most users. So, if you’re using video in your marketing strategy, that means the majority of users are viewing your video with sound off. 

But before you fret about viewers not hearing your message, there is a way around it. Subtitles! If you have an SRT file attached to your video, it will automatically show the subtitles as your viewer scrolls by. 

Clearly SRT files are a crucial part of your marketing strategy. But what are they exactly and how do you add subtitles to your video? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. 

What is an SRT File?

An SRT file, (aka a SubRip Subtitle file), is a plain text file of your subtitles that attaches to your video. In addition the the script, or subtitles, of your video, an SRT file also contains timestamps, so the subtitles match the audio exactly. 

You can open an SRT file in any text editing software, but it’s easiest to edit them in Wordpad or Notepad. However, the fastest and easiest way to create and edit SRT files is with specific SRT software, which we’ll get into a little later. 

Why Do I Need Subtitles?

As mentioned before, over 90% of viewers scrolling through their social media watch videos with the sound on. If you want to catch their attention, you’re going to need some VERY strong visuals. Or, if you don’t want to rely solely on visuals, you use subtitles. According to a survey done by Verizon, 80% of viewers are more likely to watch a video all the way through if it includes subtitles.

And, if that’s not enough for you, using subtitles with your video is a way to ensure everyone in your audience feels included in the community. Subtitles are an important way to interact with the people in your audience who may have disabilities, whether they are deaf, hard of hearing, or have cognitive learning disabilities, and need to read to comprehend better. 

How Do I Make an SRT File?

So now that you know the importance and benefits of using subtitles with your videos, it’s time to learn how to make SRT files. If you want to create and edit an SRT file in Notepad or Wordpad, HubSpot created a great outline for how to do that in their blog.

However, if you’re in a time crunch, or simply don’t want to go through the process of typing out your video, here are some of our top choices for auto SRT file creators online:

  1. Happy Scribe
  2. Zubtitle
  3. Clideo

Many social platforms that host video, such as Facebook and YouTube have auto captioning abilities you can take advantage of. Just be sure to double check they got all the words right!

Video + SRT

Videos with subtitles are truly the best of both worlds, as they are good for those who learn through visuals and text. Of course, the first thing you need if you want to implement video in your marketing, is a custom explainer video. At Digital Brew, not only do we deliver incredible animated explainer videos, but we can provide you with the SRT files to go along with them.

So, ready to push your marketing to the next level? Schedule a call with us here.

Let’s Brew This!